Monday, June 14, 2010

dress up #27

Today, we had an earthquake about 5.7 it scared the hell out of me. I had last Easter Sunday flashbacks:S The good everyone is fine, not really one of my best friend's in Mexico is freaking out. Not a good idea to give her the earthquake page hehe Well, I went shopping at a flea market, Palmas, in Calexico last Wednesday. I know the post is late hehe Enjoy the pictures^^

Hoy hubo un temblor de 5.7, no les miento me asuste. Con eso de que, hasta me acorde del ultimo domingo de Pacua quando temblo:S Lo bueno que todos estamos bien, bueno enrealidad no una de mis mejores amigas en Mexico anda escamada. No fue buena idea darle la pagina de los temblores hehePs fui de compras el miercoles pasado a las Palmas en Calexico. Ya se que apenas estoy poniendo las fotos hehe

The Last items were actually few minus the dress, sandals and bracelet. This man was giving everything free at the flea market(:
Las ultimas cosas menos el vestido, sandalias y pulsera actualmente son gratis. Un senor estava reglando todo in las Palmas.

                                                                        Dress Up
                                                                       Shirt: Gift
                                                             Skirt(dress): Forever 21
                                                                    Belt: Goodwill                              

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