Monday, August 13, 2012

Major Career Change

       Good morning, in a way since it's 12:43 am in Arizona time.I know, I should be sound a sleep but I can't go to sleep. Insomnia sucks! I have nothing to do but rant about how I miss facebook. I disactivated facebook since 3 days ago. If you're wondering why, it's because I'm addicted to it. How sad right? But 10 more days to go until I can re-activate it and talk to all my friends again! Yes, I'm counting the days. I know, what a waste of time.
        Moving on, seven more days until I start college again! I'm so happy even if I'm going to community college. I also changed my major to special education pre-school teacher. I won't lie I feel kinda weird not doing fashion anymore but I perfer on impacting someone's life in a positive way. I love kids! They are our future generation and we have to guide/teach them what we know.

        You're probably asking "why teach special education?" My answer is they are gifts of gods who people don't really pay attention. Back in January o February, I saw this video on Yahoo about an angry father who uploaded a video on Youtube. The father was outraged and sickened by his autistic son's teachers. He had wired his son to see why the little boy had changed. Basically, the teachers bullied these innocent special ed. students. I was in disbelief and it got to me. I decided, I wanted to be a teacher to guide/protect them. I still think about it and every time I hear about something like that. it makes me mad and sad. These children shouldn't be treated like that. God made us all equal but man think they are inferior of others who aren't like them.

     I'm off to bed! Let me leave you the heart breaking video.

Friday, August 10, 2012

We are back!

            Yay! We're back! We as in Sophia and I. Yes, I already had my baby and she's adorable. 
I told you she is adorable(: 

             My daughter's name is Sophia Annette. She shares the same middle name as me because I want to start a tradition. I hope she continues my middle name or as a first name tradition. I gave birth to her a month after my birthday on March 9, 2012.  She weighed 7 pounds and 9 oz and her height was 19 inches. She was an average newborn.
Sophia Annette(L)

    On my next post, I'll post up pictures through out the time of her birth to now. Yesterday, She turned five months. My baby is growing up too fast and I'm loving/hating it.
Happy five month!