Sunday, January 31, 2010


I hate being sore after a work out. I decided to start runing again since 1,2,3...i don't know how many months ago. I just ran around this circle like track but its a sidewalk in my neighborhood which I ran but walked when it was necessary. My ipod was a life saver because I love to get pump with it but this time I din't have a running mix. I mostly heard Panda (mexican rock band) which has some intense lyrics. So, I'm sore for running like 9 laps is that bad? I'm crashing out bye(:

Me choca estar adolorida despues de aser ejecisio. Decidie empezar a korrer otra vez despues de 1,2,3.. no se kuantos meses, nomas korria alrededor del pavimiento circular en la vesindad aunke kaminava kuando era necessario. Mi ipod me salvo la vida porque me pongo mas energetica pero esta vez no tenia un mix para correr. Nomas andava escuchando Panda...y ps ando adolorida por correr komo 9 veces es malo? Ya me voy bye(:

Monday, January 25, 2010

long time since a haircut

Well, its been a long time since my last post like 23 days ago??  Im trying my hardest not to be lazy! Yes, those dam lazy sensations I get beat me. Maybe, thats why I can't start working out and finishing homework or anything!  I need to get motivated for myself(: My mother is really motivated on losing weight. Her secret? I have no idea! Okay moving on...15 more days until my birthday! I'll be 17 a year away from being 18 and months away from graduation! May I move on? Well I finally decided to cut my hair after 3 months of not getting a trim..see pictures on the bottom. I'll try to blog more much more even if its not fashion related(:

Mucho tiempo sin poner algo en el blog, como 23 dias?? Estoy tratando muy duro de no ser tan wevona! Si, esas sensasiones de wevonada me ganan. Alomejor es por eso que no puedo empezar aser ejercisio, y terminar la tarea ootra kosa! Necesito ke motivarme sola(: Mi madre esta bien motivada para bajar de peso, su secreto? No tewngo ni la menor idea! Okay, a lo siguiente..15 dias mas pa mi cumpleanos! Kumplire 17 un ano de los 18 y meses antes de graduarme de la prepa! Puedo siguier a lo siguiente? Por fin me decide a kortarme mi pelo desde ase 3 meses ke no me lo despuntavan..miren las fotos abajo. Tratare de aser blog mucho mas aunque no sea nada relacionado a la moda(:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

dress up #10/Christmas '09

Christmas, New Years, and quinceanera pictures,there all in order^^

Fotos de Navidad, Ano nuevo y quinceanera, estan todas en orden^^

                                        Christmas/Navidad '09

New Years/ Ano Nuevo 2010

Valeria's Quinceanera

Christmas Outfit:
Black coat: Kohls
Floral Dress: Target
Purple Tights: Target
Floral Scarf: Marshall
Black Beret: Wal-Mart
Black Starppy Heels: Burlinghton
Rosary:Gift from Jose<3

New Years Outfit:
Checkered Sweater: JcPenny
Hot Pink long sleeve: Wal-Mart
Black Beret: Wal-Mart
Rosary: Gift from Jose<3
Striped Scarf: ???

Quinceanera Outfit:
Brown/Gold Dress: Made(not me)
Necklace: ???
Rose Hair Clip: Clairs

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

back from chaos!

Hello! Oh ,god I have no idea how manys weeks its been since I last blogged? Don't tell me! I don't want to know hehe Well, I'm back home:S I was having a blast in Mexico with my friends^^ I'll post separate posts for Christmas, New Years, and my friends quinceanera(: Laters

Hola! Oh, dios no tengo ni la menor idea de cuantas semanas an pasado desde la ultima vez que hise blog? No me digan! No kiero saber hehe Ps, ya estoy en mi casita:S Me estava divertiendo musho con mis amigas en Mexico^^ Alrato pongo fotos de Navidad, Ano Nuevo, y la quinceanera de una amiga(: Alrato