Sunday, January 31, 2010


I hate being sore after a work out. I decided to start runing again since 1,2,3...i don't know how many months ago. I just ran around this circle like track but its a sidewalk in my neighborhood which I ran but walked when it was necessary. My ipod was a life saver because I love to get pump with it but this time I din't have a running mix. I mostly heard Panda (mexican rock band) which has some intense lyrics. So, I'm sore for running like 9 laps is that bad? I'm crashing out bye(:

Me choca estar adolorida despues de aser ejecisio. Decidie empezar a korrer otra vez despues de 1,2,3.. no se kuantos meses, nomas korria alrededor del pavimiento circular en la vesindad aunke kaminava kuando era necessario. Mi ipod me salvo la vida porque me pongo mas energetica pero esta vez no tenia un mix para correr. Nomas andava escuchando Panda...y ps ando adolorida por correr komo 9 veces es malo? Ya me voy bye(:

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