Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer quarter is over(; but back to Arizona:$

Is anyone there? Oh god, it has been 3 months since the last time I posted anything on here! So many things happend during those three months. Where do I begin? Lets begin with....

1. I'm pregnant! What?! Your kidding right? No, I am not even though I wished I was but sadly I aint. *sigh* I know, I'm fresh out of high school and going to my dream school but sometimes life throws us curve balls. A big dam curve ball in my opinion. I wasn't really thrilled at first. In fact, I felt disappointed in myself and felt I let everyone down. I mean I actually did but to my surprise everyone was supportive especially my family. I'm thankful god chose me to be a mother even if I'm barely eighteen but he knows why all this is happenning to me. I'm two months and a half pregnant with I have no clue if its a boy or girl. Hell not even if they're twins inside me which one of my lovely best friend keeps on telling me I am having twins. She is not funny.

2. Summer quarter is officially over in FIDM. I loved every minute I was in FIDM even though I struggled along the way.Okay, I only struggled in sketching class. *tear* I have no drawing talent but I did improve. I just saw I failed that class miserably. I knew it all along then again I had missed two classes which YOU SHOULD NEVER DO especially if your going to FIDM. I'm mad I also failed Industry Sewing because I almost passed the class. I can't blame anyone but myself because I didn't put much effort this quarter since everything that has been happening with the pregnancy and my life. Now, I have to break it to my mother that I or we have to pay $600 per failed class. Oh, she is gonna kill me. If I don't  post anything by next week, it's because she did.

3.  Sadly, I'm moving back to Arizona because I'm better off with my mother than over here. I do have family over here but they are an hour away from Los Angeles. Technally less but since my transportation is the metro/bus it takes almost an hour. I am coming back next fall quarter after I have the baby but my mother is coming along with me. This will make it easier for me when I go back to school and I will do good this time in my failed classes! Now, I'm off to pack my stuff! 

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