Thursday, February 18, 2010

dress up#17

Aaaaaaaaaah! Excited and happy! Oh my lord were having the fashion show(: I have someone in my mind to be my model not just a model a plus size model in a way(:  I'll talk later on in the weekend, this fashion show is tiring me out:S
Aaaaaaaaaah!Emocionada y feliz! Oh dios mio vamos a tener un desfile de modas(: Ya se kien sera mi modelo pro nomas una modelo si no una modelo grande algo asi(:Despues les explico mas entre fin de semana. este desfile de modas me tiene cansada:S

Dress Up:
Shirt: Ross
Jeans: Palmas
Shoes: Payless
Rosary: Gift

Look of the Day: Nicole Richie vs

Nicole Richie
What She Wore
She layered a cropped leather jacket over a fanciful embroidered Marchesa evening gown


Michelle Williams
What She Wore
She wore an ecru single-shoulder dress and T-strap heels, both from Lanvin

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

dress up#16

Another quick update: Today was blah, still trying to finish that dress; I just can't get the sleeve binding correct uggh! stress over a dress I'm not inspired but determined to finish! I went running with my little brother. It felt good(: I made a bet with him! I'll tell you tomorrow. Im tired once again.

Otra actualización rápida:Ahora estuvo blah, todavia estoy tratando de akavar el vestido; No puedo aser el enlace de la manga bien! estresada por un vestido que ni estoy inspirada pro determinada para acavarlo! Fui a correr con mi ermanito hoy. Se sentia bien(: Hize una apuesta con! Manana les digo. Otra vez estoy cansada.

Dress Up:
Long Sleeve Shirt: Gap
Skirt(dress): Forever 21
Tights: ???
Belt: Gift
Shoes: Goodwill
Rosary: Gift

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

dress up#15

Hey! Just a brief overview because I need some rest! Happy B-lated Valentines Day! Yeah, fashion show might happen in May(: I need to finish the P&P dress so I could start something for myself. I also should do something at home. I need to talk with my mother. Angie and I are super excited! I tell you more later!

Hey! Nomas les dare un poco del resume porque necesito que dormir! Feliz Dia de San Valentine aunque sea tarde! Yeah, abara un desfile de modas en Mayo(: Necesito que acavar el vestido de P&P, para poder empezar algo para mi misma. Tambien deveria de aser algo en casa, tengo que ablar con mi madre. Angie y yo estamos super emocionadas! Despues les cuento!
                                           Dress Up:
                                          Tunic: Target
                                          Jacket: Birthday Gift
                                          Tights: Wal-mart
                                          Purse: Wal-Mart
                                          Rosary: Gift

Look of the day: Camilla Belle VS Sarah Jessica Parker

Camilla Belle
 What She Wore:
              She wore an embellished fuchsia goddess gown from Marchesa.


                                         Sarah Jessica Parker 
                                            What She Wore:
  A pleated bronze top with leather pants, Prada shoes and a crystal necklace


Thursday, February 11, 2010

dress up #14

Hello! Today was sad but an okay day! My mother told me in the morning to put on some pants because it was cold. I didn't listen but boy my toes and fingers were freezing not my legs.

 Hola! Ahora fue un dia triste pero estuvo okay! Mi madre me dijo en la manana que me pusiera pantalones porque estava asiendo frio. No le hice caso pero mis dedos tenian frio aunke mis piernas no.
Funny thing in anatomy today. Mr.Ferry is always complaing on how we never manage to finish the days activities but it always seems someone gets him off topic. Oh well atleast there intersting conversations. Another thing I learned in French; Miss. Edwards told us its was impolite to have our hands on our laps! I had no idea about that.

Una cosilla chistosa paso en atonomia hoy. Mr.Ferry siempre se keja de que jamas acavamos las actividades de ese dia pero parese ke alguien siempre le saka conversacion y se pone hablar y hablar. Nimodo de perdis esta interesante la convercasion. Aprendie otra kosa en Frances; Miss. Edwards nos dijo ke poniendo las manos en nuestras piernas o en la silla es falta de cortesia en francia! No tenia ni la menor idea de eso.

I dislike Geometry but the funny thing is I need math for fashion design! The rest of the classes were okay except my last class fashion design it frustrates me! We are still doing the Pride&Prejudice costumes even though the play has passed already and they hadn't told us in months in advance! Plus, I suck at sewing even though I want to be a fashion designer but I have imagination and creativity.

No me gusta geomatria pero la cosa chistosa eske la necesito para diseno de modas! Las demas clases estuvieron mas o menos excepto diseno de modas, me ase que me fruste! Todavia estamos asiendo el vestuario de Pride&Prejudice aunque ya aiga pasado la obra y no nos abian disho en semanas avanzadas! Ademas, no soy buena para coser aunque voyu estudiar para disenadora de modas pero tengo imajinacion y creatividad.

Dress Up:
Kelly Clarkson Shirt: Her concert years ago
Cardigan: Kohls
Shorts: DIY
Tights: ???
Belt: Goodwill
Shoes: Goodwill
Rosary: Gift from Jose

RIP Alexander McQueen

So, I log on the compture in journalism, go straight to, look around the articles and to my shocking surprise Alexander McQueen is dead. Apparently, it was a suicide because there is no suspicion of foul play. He was an amazing, talented, creative, geniues designer for his 40 years of life. His fashion sense is going to be dearly missed.

Ps, Me meto en la computadora en mi clase d eperiodismo, despues me meto al, miro un articulo sobre la muerte de Alexander McQueen. Aparentemente fue un suicidio porque no sospechan homicidio. El era un desenador talentoso, creativo, genioso y unico en  sus 40 años de vida. Su sentido de la moda va ser extranada.

pictures via google

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

dress up #13

It did not rain, it only sprinkled! Moving on, I took some pictures while it was drizzling(: BTW, it was cold but it was worth it. Plus, I went running but it had stopped and know my legs not really well my feet upto my ankle is soar hehe

No llovio, nomas chispio! Cambiando de tema, me tome unas fotos mientras chispiava(: Estava asiendo frio pero valio la pena. Ademas,fui a correr pero la llovia abia parado y ahora tengo mis piernas bueno mis pies asia mi tobio adolorido hehe

Dress Up:
Tunic: Ross
Jacket: Birthday Gift
Tights: Forever 21
Scarf: Wal-mart
Shoes: Wal-mart

Look of the day: Emily Blunt VS Kate Bosworth

Emily Blunt
What She wore:
She looked like a goddesse in raw-hemmed single-shoulder Kaufmanfranco dress worn with Sergio Rossi gladiator sandals, bangles and a feathered headband.


 Kate Bosworth
      What She wore:     
A Chanel minidress and clutch with Christian Louboutin three-tone heels



Weather Schedule Rocks... NOT!

Instead of writing my article about grade checks, I'm blogging via my fifth period journalism class. Yeah(: I'm stuck in this class for two hours! Why? Simply because its cloudy but no rain. It rained in the morning like before I woke up? So, my school has this weather schedule which only makes my fifth period class two hours long which each dam building gets thirty minutes to eat. I'm like on the second building which I have second lunch btw. The other classes are normal except we don't have soar(type of homeroom). If it does not rain, people are going to be pissed off including myself! ha
Enbez de estar escribiendo mi articulo sobre checkiando grados, estoy aqui blogging via mi quinta clase de periodismo. Yeah(: Estare en esta clase por dos horas completas! Porque? Simplemente porque esta nublado afuera pero no ay lluvia. Buneo, llovio en la manana antes de que me despertara? Ps, mi eskuela tiene esta programacion de clima asiendo que mi quinto periodo sea dos largas horas, que cada edificio tiene trenta minutos para comer. Yo estoy en el segundo edificio y me toca el segundo lonche. Mis otras clases son normales excepto no tenemos soar(tipo de homeroom). Si no llueve, la gente va estar enojada inluyendome a mi! ha

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to me(: Dress Up #12

Happy Birthday to me(: I'm finally 17,yay, no big deal okay!
Feliz Cumpleanos a mi(: Por fin 17, yay, no agan tanto caso okay!

                                              Dress up:
                                  Button Up Shirt: Burlinghton
                               Floral Skirt(actually dress): Target
                                             Tights: ???
                                       Shoes: Goodwill

dress up#11/ saturday early birthday

Last saturday my mother bought me a chocolate cake to celebrate my birthday which is today(: Oh! I almost forgot I finally went to my local Goodwill! I was so amazed! I can now officially say I thrift shopped hehe I bought a blouse and a beige shoes(:

El sabado pasado, mi madre me compro un paste de chocolate para celebrar mi cumplio anos temprano aunke hoy es mi cumpleanos(: Ay! Casi se me olvida, Por fin fui a mi local Goodwill! Ahora puedo officialmente disir que fui compras de thrift?? hehe Me compre una blusa y unas zapatillas(:

Dress up:
Button up blouse: Goodwill
Tank Top: ???
Skirt(actually dress): Forever 21
Tights: Wal-mart??
Shoes: Goodwill

Friday, February 5, 2010

Look of the Day: Dita Von Teese vs Taylor Swift

                                 Dita Von Teese
                                       What She Wore:
     A plunging red satin Elie Saab pencil dress, ruby jeweled clutch and peep-toe pumps.

                               Taylor Swift
                                What She Wore:
           A ruffle-trimmed red dress, cozy black cardigan and chic black Mary Janes.                      

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Look of the day: Beyonce vs Ashley Olsen

What she wore:
 A sapphire blue belted, Rafael Cennamo, dresswith silver jewelry and ruby red peep-toe platforms.


Ashley Olsen
 What she wore:
 Skinny jeans and classic navy coat with a stylish brown leather belt and spiked-heel booties.
