Tuesday, April 6, 2010

off topic:non-fashion related: 7.2 earthqauke

Oh my god! were going to die went through my mind as I started to pray;the moment my grandmother yelled "earthquake!" I know this totally not fashion related but it was something scary. I wasn't in Yuma,Arizona but in Mexico few hours away from the epicenter in Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California and an hour away from Mexicali, Baja California. This being a 7.2 made my nerves get the best of me especially when I was trying to pray, I got stuck on Padre Nuestro(Holy Father??) phrase. I was with my grandmather, my aunt and aunt's daughter when it started; we walked outside as my aunts went to get the children who were in the little store at the corner. In one moment, I grabbed on to my little cousin while the other one was screaming and crying for his mommy and daddy. His sister kept on repeating, "Don't cry, I'll take care of you" I wanted to cry at that instant. In another, the dam 2012 movie came to my mind because I had rented it early in the week. When the earthquake stopped, we all calmed down, stayed outside, my aunt's went back inside except for one, my grandmother, the kids and I. Crap, I was leaning on the car when an aftershock occured but the kids didn't feel it. We went back inside twice but decided to stay outside after the aftershocks. The power went out + no cellphone signal= no communication. I was worried until today after the powers came back because I have family and friends scattered in Guadalupe Victoria, Mexicali and near both places which I was able to communicate with. I'm lucky to say my family and friends are fine including me. I have never ever in my whole short seventeen years off life ever felt something so horrible and I wasn't even in or near Guadalupe Victoria. The 7.2 was higher than Haiti's but then again the city is more up to date with the codes and all that. Only two were dead and more than 230 people were injured. Thank God were all okay.
P.S. Parts of California, Phoeniz, Arizona and Nevada felt it including Tijuana and Sonora, Mexico.

Ay dios mio fue lo que cruzo por mi mente cuando empeze a resar en el instante que mi abuela grito,"esta temblando!" Ya se que esto no tiene ke ver con la moda pero estuvo feo la situacion. Yo no estava en Yuma,Arizona con mi padres, si no en Mexico en el valle de Mexicali en el ejido Cuidad Morelos con mi abuela y la familia de mi tia. Ciudad Morelos queda como unas dos horas del ejido Guadalupe Victoria y una hora de Mexicali, Baja California. Mi tia y sus hijas estavan asiendo mariscos preparando todo cuando empezo a temblar. Salimos de alli chicotiadas especialmente mis tias por sus hija(o)s porque estavan en la tiendita de la escina. Mientras el temblor pasava tuve que agarrar a una primita mia, mientras su hermanito estava histerico llorando por su mama y papa, ps quien no iva llorar, para su consuelo su hermanita le desia,"Yo te cuido, ya no llores." En otro instante, se me vino a la mente la pelicula, 2012 como la habia rentado unos dias antes. Cuando paso el temblor, nos calmamos, mis tia's regresaron adentro excepto una, mi abuela, los ninios y yo. Estava alado delcarro cuando empezo a temblar pero los ninios no lo sintieron. Despues nos metimos a la cosina como dos veces pero decidimos estar afuera por los pequenos temblores. Sin electricidad + sin senal de cellular= no comunicacionYo estava preocupada hasta hoy cuando me comunique con mi familia y amiga(o)s como estan regados en Guadalupe Victoria, Mexicali y en los ejidos cercas de alli.Gracias a dios todos estan bien. Jamas en mi diecisiete cortito aƱos abia pasado por algo tan feo y eso que no estava en Gpe. Victoria o Mexicali. El temblor estuvo mas fuerte que el de Haiti pero como la cuidad esta mas avanzada con las reglas y todo eso hubo menos muertos como dos personas y mas de 230 gente herida. Otra Vez,gracias a dios todos estamos bien.
P.S. Parte de California,  Phoenix, Arizona, y Nevada lo sintieron incluyendo a Tijuana y Sonora, Mexico

pictures---> go to link---->http://soycachanilla.com/

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