Wednesday, October 26, 2011

18 weeks(L)

I'm so sorry! I've been wanting to write on here but I never know what exactly to write. I do have plenty of what to say but i don't know if I should write about it. It's very personal and deep what I have been going thru since I found out I'm pregnant. I'm very happy and blessed for this baby even though I'm going thru an emotional roller coaster. I also thank god for giving me a supportive family and friends who are taking care of me and being on my ass twenty-four/ seven.

Perdoname! Desde ase tiempo que  e querido escribir aqui pero nose exactamente que escibir. Yo se que tengo mucho que platicar pero nose si escribirlo. Todo es bien personal y con todas las cosas que e pasado desde que me entere qu estiy embarazada. Yo estoy bien feliz y agradecida a dios por este bebe aunque este pasando por momentos emocionales. Tambien, agradesco a dios por darme familia y amiga(o)s que siempre me estan cuidando viente-cuarto/ siete.
4 months/meses<3

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer quarter is over(; but back to Arizona:$

Is anyone there? Oh god, it has been 3 months since the last time I posted anything on here! So many things happend during those three months. Where do I begin? Lets begin with....

1. I'm pregnant! What?! Your kidding right? No, I am not even though I wished I was but sadly I aint. *sigh* I know, I'm fresh out of high school and going to my dream school but sometimes life throws us curve balls. A big dam curve ball in my opinion. I wasn't really thrilled at first. In fact, I felt disappointed in myself and felt I let everyone down. I mean I actually did but to my surprise everyone was supportive especially my family. I'm thankful god chose me to be a mother even if I'm barely eighteen but he knows why all this is happenning to me. I'm two months and a half pregnant with I have no clue if its a boy or girl. Hell not even if they're twins inside me which one of my lovely best friend keeps on telling me I am having twins. She is not funny.

2. Summer quarter is officially over in FIDM. I loved every minute I was in FIDM even though I struggled along the way.Okay, I only struggled in sketching class. *tear* I have no drawing talent but I did improve. I just saw I failed that class miserably. I knew it all along then again I had missed two classes which YOU SHOULD NEVER DO especially if your going to FIDM. I'm mad I also failed Industry Sewing because I almost passed the class. I can't blame anyone but myself because I didn't put much effort this quarter since everything that has been happening with the pregnancy and my life. Now, I have to break it to my mother that I or we have to pay $600 per failed class. Oh, she is gonna kill me. If I don't  post anything by next week, it's because she did.

3.  Sadly, I'm moving back to Arizona because I'm better off with my mother than over here. I do have family over here but they are an hour away from Los Angeles. Technally less but since my transportation is the metro/bus it takes almost an hour. I am coming back next fall quarter after I have the baby but my mother is coming along with me. This will make it easier for me when I go back to school and I will do good this time in my failed classes! Now, I'm off to pack my stuff! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

packing sucks

I'll make this quick because I need to pack for tomorrow. These past days, I've been packing my clothe, shoes, accessories, sewing machine, mannequins..etc.  I'll finally be on my way to Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited, happy and sad but its all good.

Harre esto rapido porque tengo que seguir empacando para manana. Estos ultimos dias, me la e pasado empacando mi ropa, zapatos, accessorios, maquina de coser..etc. Por fin manana  estare en camino a Los Angeles en la tarde. Me siento emocionada, feliz y triste pero estoy bien.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello New Life, Goodbye Old LIfe

Yes, I know that I have been absent for a big while but moving on...guess who decided to start college or fashion school(in my case)?! *drumroll please* Me:D I don't think I ever mentioned I had gotten accepted to Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise in Los Angeles. I was accepted for the fall quarter in October but my summer is not going good. It consists of me sitting down on the computer(facebook) 24/7 except when I go out,  doing nothing, and Yuma doesn't want to give me work even though some stores need people. Maybe its because I lack experience since I've never worked in my short eighteen years of life. If they don't give me work, how am I going to get experience...okay so moving on...
      Last week, I kinda butted heads with my madre because I was complaining about doing nothing and she left to go somewhere. Istarted thinking about I should just start fashion school in the summer and I ocntacted my advisor. She said that if my mom was okay with it, I could. I talked to my mom and she gave the okay go ahead sign. I called my advisor who clicked away in her computer and I'm in the summer quarter. Now, I'm here counting down the days for June 30th when I'll be heading down to Los Angeles with my mom and grandma:D I just know I'm gonna cry my heart out when I am on my way:$ hehe

Ya se que tengo como mil anios que no me comunico por aqui. Adivinen quien empezara la escuela de modas tres meses antes? Ahmm se me ase que ni les dije que me acceptaron en Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise o mejor dicho una escuela de modas en Los Angeles. Me acceptaron para entrar en el trimestre del otonio de este anio pero mi verano esta muy aburrido. Nomas me la paso en el facebook 24/7 asiendo nada todo el santo dia y Yuma ni trabajo me quiere dar y segun las tiendas ocupan gente. No me dan trabajo porque no tengo experencia como no e trabajo en toda mi vida pero si no me dan como quieren que agarre experencia?!...okay a seguirle con mi historia.

La semana pasada me medio pelie con mi madre porque me estava quejando que no hasia nada en todo el santo dia. Me puse a pensar que deberia entrar este trimestre del verano y contacte a mi consegera. Me dijo que si podia y nomas le pidiera permiso a mi mama. Hable con mi madre y me dijo que si despues me contacte de nuevo con ella. Nomas hiso unas cosas en su compu y tada, ya estoy en el trimestre del verano. Por el momento estoy esperando que llegue el dia 30 de Junio porque me ire para Los Angeles. Me llevara mi madre y abuela y no te agarrantizo que yo vaya llorando por todo el camino:$ hahaha

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

facebook over:/

I officially "deleted" my facebook but why the quotations marks? Well, you see its not really deleting it because your only desactivating your account unlike myspace which I deleted too. Why so much violence?! They distract me so much and addicting. Yes, addicting by wasteful hours spent on facebook looking at newsfeed and peoples profile, kinda of stalkerish  because myspace is socially dead now. I just have to disconnect myself from facebook for now. Maybe, this will help me blog more(:

Officialmente "borre" facebook pero porque los ""? Ps, mira actualmente no lo estas borrando si no desactivando tu cuenta no como myspace que si completamente lo puedes borrar. Porque tanta violencia?! El facebook me destraie musho y es addicto. Si es una addicion que te la pasas horas y horas perdidas mirando noticias y viendo perfiles de gente porqur myspace ya esa socialmente muerto. Yo tengo que desconectarme completamente de facebook. Alomejor esto me ayuda poner mas posts(:

Friday, February 11, 2011

finished collage

I finally finished my collage for my inspiration board. Now I have to resketch my designs but it pains me to cut some of my fabric because I only got so much for the fashion show. Its worth it(:

Por fin acave mi collage para mi cartolina de inspiracion. Ahora tengo que dibujar otra vez mis disenos pero me duele cortar mi tela que compre para el desfile de modas. No importa(:
My Inspiration Board
Vintage Fifties/Sixties Women Who Always Looked Stylish No Matter What

Thursday, February 10, 2011

happy late birthday to me(:

Yesterday was my eighteenth birthday(: Yes, I'm officially legal. I didn't do anything special because my mom's side  of the family is throwing me a party in Mexico with my friends and family. I did take pictures yesterday:D

Ayer fue mi cumpleanos de deciocho anos(: Si, ya officialmente soy legal. No hice nada especial pero el sabado mi familia y amigas me van a celebrar con una fiesta en Mexico. Ayer tome fotos:D

Sunday, February 6, 2011

inspiration board

Hello my lovelies:D Its Sunday and I managed not to go to mass:) but I am home getting inspiration for my inspiration poster that I have to turn in for a project entrance to FIDM. Here are some of the pictures.

Hola:D Hoy es domingo y no fui a misa:) pero estoy en casa inspirandome para mi poster de inspiracion que tengo que entregar para la entrada de proyecto para FIDM. Aqui estan unas fotos.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

busy bee

Sorry, I haven't posted anything lately but Im temporarily out of internet at home. I'm also been "busy" with school since I have to work hard on my collection for the fashion show. Guess, who is not going to Mexico for a few weeks?! Aside of that I need to apply for Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise(FIDM) dream school in a way since I would love to go to Italy but I can't. Well Im off to help my mother:D

Perdon, por no haber estado actualizando mi blog pero me quede sin internet en la casa. Ultimamente estado "ocupada" con la escuela. Ando trabajando muy duro para el desfile de modas en mi escuela y coser mi colecion. Adivina quien no va ir a Mexico?! Aparte de eso tengo que applicar a Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise(FIDM) escuela de mis suenos aunque quisiera irme estudiar para Italia pero no se puede. Me retiro porque ayudare a mi madre:D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

jar of hearts

This song for some reason reminds me of Princess Anastasia even though the song is about a broken relationship maybe abusive one.
Nose porque esta cancion me acuerda de la Princessa Anastasia aunque la cancion es de una relacion terminada alomejor hasta abusiva.

P.S. I have no rights to these pictures.I found them on google!

Monday, January 10, 2011

better a friendship than a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship

Where do I start? Im just sadden that my four year friendship with my best guyfriend is totally over for some reasons which are just nonsense:$ I never thought he would break my heart well I broke his first but I never fully intended too. *sigh* Don't ever date your best guyfriend even if he says "its not going to affect our friendship if we break up"..pure lies! Okay, I'll calm down...theres other drama too but no need to fully post them. I just miss him so badly...he is my best friend aside from Iliana.

Por donde empiezo? Me da tanta tristeza ver que mi amistad de cuatro anos se aiga acavado con mi mejor amigo por cosas que no deberian de importar:$ Yo jamas pense que me aiga quebradomi corazon bueno yo se lo rompie primero pero jamas fue mi intencion. *sigh* Jamas se agan novia de su mejor amigo aunkque les diga "no va affectar nuestra amistad si terminamos"...puras mentiras! Okay, me calmo....ay mas drama pero no ay necesidad de ponerlo. Lo extrano tanto pero demasiado ps si el es mi mejor amigo aparte de Iliana.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hello(: Welcome to Mademoiselle k.annette.
This blog will be about my life, inspirations, school, fashion...basically anything.
So hang tight and enjoy the ride:D

Hola(: Bienvenidos a Mademoiselle k.annette
Este blog se va tratar de mi vida, inspiraciones, escuela, moda....basicamente de lo que sea.