Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dress Up#19

Hello(: Just a quick outfit post before heading out running. I had a little running competion with my little brother, he beat me by a foot or so but my arguements are my gym shorts were falling down. ha! I've actually improven in my opinion, so next time I'll beat him. So, I'm applying early to FIDM and need to to do many things. Just thinking about it, make sme stressful but its worth it(: Update: I started sewing the skirt actually I just got one side hehe Bye!

Hola(: Antes de irme a correr, pondre mi vestuario del dia. Ayer tuve una competicion de correr con mi hermanito, ps me gano por un pie or so aunque mi argumentos son que mis shorts del gym se estavan callendo. ha! Actalmente e mejorado en mi opinion, la proxima vez le ganare. Ps, voy applicar temprano a FIDM y necesito que aser mushas cosas. Nomas de pensar en eso me estresa pero vale la pena. Actualizacion: Ya empeze a coser la falda bueno el lado de la falda hehe bye!


  1. those t-straps are amazing! i can never thrift decent shoes lol

  2. it was my lucky day(: just keep looking^^
