Thursday, March 18, 2010

shame on me

Im sorry I haven't blogged or updates but I've been a busy bee.

 First, OMG FIDM amazing! I feel more in love with the college, the environment is so friendly and stylish. Plus, the campus is big, theres also a park, and in downtown LA. I like how it has a very tight security! The fashion show was amazing. The designers made beautiful collections, there was also a trubute to Judy Garland and I forgot the name hehe shame on me, I noticed during my trip there are few latinos/hispanics going to FIDM. My mom actually pointed this out; we kept asking to ourselves is it because of the money, no creativity or what? There were also like 2 or 3 latinos/hispanic designers in the fashion show. So. Im more determined to study there(: Oh plus I finished my 10 sketches and almost finished with my about me essay!

Second, Im finished with the P&P dress(: Yes, after two month of working on the dress I finally finished. I should take pictures to show my master piece hehe I will now start on my own dress which I was supposed to do for the fashion show

Third, I don;t think were going to have a fashion show after all. Mrs.Curtis keeps on telling us administration hasn't contacted her. Angie and I are over it anyways so were making the dresses to our sizes. Plus its 2 months for the day we set the fashion show, there is no time to plan it when we didn't get to do our own stuff. It was a crappy fashion design III/IV this year especially since the teacher is new.

Fourth, Is there even a fourth?? I have pictures from sunday(:Oh, wait there not on my compture:( I'll post those later

1 comment:

  1. I really like that headband :) btw I nominated you for the sunshine award which you can get on my blog :)
